Saturday, October 6, 2007

The GD hot shit blog

Welcome to the official (cuz I say it is) Graphic Design blog. I've created this space for us to post work that we think it sexy/cool/unique/bangin'... you know, the hot shit. Post anything you see that inspires you or that you think might inspire others. Or, if you're feeling ballsy, post your work for the world/blogland to see. Can't wait to see what tickles your pickle.

For my first bit of inspirational posting, I give you: Reza Abedini

"Reza is a Persian typographer, Professor of Graphic Design and Visual Culture at Tehran University and winner of the last ‘Principal Prince Claus Award’, could be referred to as the Aladdin of graphic design. Exploring the boundaries and the bonds between traditional and modern typography his work is bold, delicate sophisticated and deliberate. Through its mirroring of “Persian poetic sensibilities”, Abedini’s work inspires a deeper exploration of the cultural history behind its rich aesthetic."

Friday, October 5, 2007

Ms. GD is a flake

Okay, so I'm a flake. I'm new to the blog thing and didn't realize that you guys can't actaully post on my blog, you can only post comments. That is, of course, unless I add you as an 'author'. If you want to be added as an author so you can post, just send me your email address and I will add you.

K, sorry about that. Later people.